B-Epic Sponsor Code

If you want to order B-Epic products or sign up as a distributor, you need a so-called Sponsor Code.

Use Delivery as a Sponsor Code

What is B-EPIC Sponsor Code

B-Epic uses a referral sales system. In other words, BEpic is a buyers club. You can become a member of this club only using the referral link or the code of a current club member. This member is called the Sponsor. Therefore, when registering in BEpic, you must either enter the Sponsor Code, or use the referral link in which this code is already embedded.

You can use our sponsorship code – freegate – or use the code of a B-Epic member that you personally know.

Where to enter B EPIC Sponsor Code

When you are on the official bepic.com site, and click JOIN, you proceed to the registration process. It is needed to place an order or become a Distributor of the company. After you indicate your country and select the type of membership (Customer or Distributor), the site will require you to enter the Sponsor Code.

Note: When you join by clicking on a referral link similar to this one, a sponsor code is not requested. After all, it is already embedded in the link.

Good luck!